Sunday, June 27, 2010

An ACTS Adventure with the Water filter Team

Yesterday, we got back from spending three days sharing the gospel and encouraging believers in different villages in the Agusan Valley with the Water Filter Team. Since we have not been able to deliver water filters as planned this week due to some problems with the organization which helps us deliver them.....God redirected our steps and we had quite an adventure sharing the gospel.

Our weekend was awesome and went something like this..... ride on top of a crowded jeepnee in the rain, get to a town, walk in the rain and mud to a river, take a canoe across the river, take a petty cab to the village, stay overnight at the village worshiping for 4 hours at a time, sharing testimonies, singing, Cliff got to preach.

We left this village the next day and travel by motorcycle to a very remote village called Sanroke I think, with new believers. The motorcycle had boards on both sides, and we rode on them. There were like six people plus luggage on one speedy motorcycle. We played and shared bible stories with 50+ kids that were clinging to us and loving on us for hours. We slept in a Filipino house and encouraged the believers there ( I think they were a bigger blessing to us). We cried with them as everyone's hearts were encouraged, and we testified to God's goodness in our lives. Our hearts were burdened for this village of new believers that have no church building or pastor yet. I told them I would ask you all to pray for them...
  • Pray that they would grow in their faith and be encouraged.
  • Pray that God would send them a Pastor and leadership to disciple them.
  • Pray that they will be obedient to share their faith with others in the village
We left the next day and walked three miles up and down hills to the next village, where Cliff preached for a third time, and we worshiped with and encouraged the believers. We got to share the gospel with a group of children before it was time to head back to the BOOST camp. Praise the Lord for how he is working in hearts. Worthy is the lamb!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking about and praying for you guys every day! I can't wait to hear more when you are home. I love you guys!

